What is Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)?

The root causes of Irritable Bowel Syndrome are still unknown, permanently effective cures or therapies still haven’t been found, only symptomatic treatment can improve the quality of life of patients. It is possible to relieve the symptoms by dietary and lifestyle changes including stress management, but maintaining an asymptomatic condition involves a lot of resignation, self-discipline and significant lifestyle changes from patients.

IBS is a fairly common bowel disorder that affects twice as many women as man. There are more severe and unpleasant symptoms of this disease such as diarrhea or constipation, cramping and abdominal pain, bloating, gas excess or even bloody stool. Other non-gastrointestinal symptoms such as pelvic pain, shoulder and back pain, fatigue, depression, and headache also lead to a deterioration in the condition of patients. Symptoms may also be associated with other diseases, and the process of diagnosis is also very lengthy and exhaustive. In Hungary, the number of patients suffering from IBS is over 100,000 in every year.


If you have the following symptoms and your complaints are long-term, you are most likely to have chronic irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

Crampy abdominal pain

The incidence of this symptom is most common in the lower left part of the abdomen. Patients feel uncomfortable tension across the stomach, sometimes dull and permanent pain occur as well.

Problems in connection with bowel movements

Changes in the number of defecation and oftentimes alternating bouts of diarrhea (3 or more times daily, loose or diluted stool) and constipation are typical signs of IBS.

Abdominal distension, bloating

People who suffer from IBS hardly tolerate increased intestinal gas content or changes in the gas content of the gut. Theese symptoms usually appear after eating and stress is also a major contributing factor.

Symptoms related to the upper digestive system

Esophageal pain, heartburn, reflux, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite and feeling of fullness are also recognizable symptoms.



This is a revolutionary new product developed by an international science team. LuxVentrix® is a brand new formulation with scientifically proven results!







I have Irritable bowel syndrome! What shall I do?

If you have been diagnosed with IBS-C or IBS-D, your doctor may have informed you about the course of the disease and the possible ways to relieve symptoms such as following a strict diet and a stress-free lifestyle. You should not eat gas-producing and greasy foods as well as avoid the consumption of caffeine, cigarettes and alcohol.



In the last few years scientists in the United States have been stuyding every existing natural solutions and succeeded to make a dietary supplement whose ingredients make an optimal combination and can be an effective cure to heal people who suffer from chronic gastrointestinal disease.

Now sit back, close your eyes and imagine having lunch with your family. This time you don't have to get up from the table and rush into the bathroom with a crampy, unbearable belly pain. All you have to do is enjoy your meal, drink a glass of delicious wine and eat some dessert as well.

It is not a dream anymore!


  • Crampy abdominal pain
  • Problems with bowel movements and stool
  • Abdominal distension, bloating
  • Symptoms related to the upper digestive system





Prebiotics - FOS

Prebiotics – F.O.S. – Fructooligosaccharides

FOS (Fructooligosaccharides) prebiotics are a group of simple sugar carbohydrates that are found naturally in plants such as onion, chicory, garlic, asparagus, banana, artichoke, among many others. These non-digestible fibers help to support the growth of probiotic bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract. As a dietary supplement, FOS is typically used to promote colon health, improve constipation in elderly individuals, alleviate traveler’s diarrhea and to help control cholesterol levels.


Furthermore, FOS have important beneficial physiological effects such as low carcinogenicity, a prebiotic effect, improved mineral absorption and decreased levels of serum cholesterol, triacylglycerols and phospholipids.

Their consumption increases fecal bolus and the frequency of depositions, while a dose of 4-15 g/day given to healthy subjects will reduce constipation, considered one of the growing problems of modern society, and newborns during the first months of life.

Prebiotics - GOS

Prebiotics - G.O.S – Galactooligosaccharide

Prebiotics are soluble fibers, which travel undigested to the colon, where they feed beneficial bacteria. GOS (Galactooligosaccharides) prebiotics are turning out to be the most interesting gut health promoters in this group of important fibers. Experiments have shown that GOS is likely the most efficient type of prebiotic to stimulate the growth of bifidobacteria.  Galactooligosaccharides is also known as TOS (transgalactooligosaccharides).


G.O.S. may improve metabolic syndrome

G.O.S. may enhance immunity

G.O.S. may reduced airway hyper-responsiveness, bronchoconstriction




Turmeric - Curcumin

Turmeric (Curcumin)

Turmeric comes from the Curcuma longa plant, which grows in India and other Southeast Asian countries. The dried root of the Curcuma longa plant is ground into the distinctive yellow turmeric powder. There are several chemical compounds found in turmeric, known as curcuminoids. The active substance in turmeric is curcumin. Curcumin is what makes turmeric a functional food, foods that have a potentially positive effect on health beyond basic nutrition.


Main known benefits:

- May Slow or Prevent Blood Clots

- Reduces Depression Symptoms

- Fights Inflammation (The anti-inflammatory effects of curcumin have also been studied as a possible treatment for Alzheimer’s disease.)

- Boosts Skin Health

- Could Treat or Prevent Certain Cancers

Melon extract

Melon extract

Melon extract – Superoxide Dismutase (S.O.D.) – What Are The Benefits Of Antioxidants?

Known for fighting free radicals and the resultant inflammation, antioxidants boost heart health and improve cognitive function. They also enhance immunity and boost vision, and their anti-inflammatory properties help ward off chronic ailments like arthritis. Adequate intake of antioxidants can also delay aging and improve hair health.


Main known benefits:

- Boost Cardiovascular Health

- Improve Vision

- Improves Cognitive Health

- Enhance Immunity

- May Help Prevent Cancer

- May Help Bodybuilders

- May Benefit Smokers

- May Improve Fertility

- Might Promote Liver Health



LuxVentrix® is a breakthrough in the area of treatments of IBS and chronic gastrointestinal problems. The secret of its effectiveness lies in the interaction and the amplifying combination of its well-chosen ingredients and their components.


Its most important active substance is Superoxide Dismutase (S.O.D.) , awhich is the first orally effective formulation. S.O.D works on the following areas:

- Activates the natural antioxidant production of the body

- Helps to maintain cell health and protects against oxidative stress-caused damage

- Helps reduce the accumulation of lactic acid due to physical stress therefore it is highly recommended for athletes

- Supports the healthy functioning of the immune system

- Supports skin health against photo-oxidative stress


Kurcumin is a water-soluble extract of curcumin, which is pH optimized. Kurcumin works with maximal biological absorption and high efficiency and it does not cause intestinal irritation.

The advantages of kurcumin:
Scientific evidence and results present that curcumin is a versatile bioactive compound. It is an antioxidant and anti-protein, is also anti-angiogenic, anti-cancer, anti-liver fibrotic and has anti-inflammatory and arthritis relieving effects. It can also boost the immune system and protect the well-being of the organs againts the effects of chemotherapy.

LuxVentrix® unfolds its effect after 3 months of continuous taking. Dosage: 2x1 tablets per day. Distinct improvement in general condition is already noticeable during the first few weeks of taking but permanent improvement can be achieved only after the course is completed. For this reason, the product can be bought only in 3 month-dosage for the first time. Since some of the root causes -such as stress - can not be completely excluded permanently, therefore one month of repetitive course may be needed annually for some of the patients where appropriate.



The effect of Superoxide dismutase

Most people have never heard of SOD, which is the primary internal protection of the body. Low levels of SOD play a significant role in the development of more than 60 degenerative diseases.The secret "miracle" effect of SOD is the anti-aging power because it preserves and protects the telomeres, the capsules of each strand at the end of the DNA. The longer the telomeres are, the younger the activity of the cells. If telomers are shorter, we are more prone to aging and get diseases.SOD stops cell damage, which primarily causes the shortening of telomeres. But there is a problem.Levels of SOD naturally decrease as we age - but environmental poisons accelerate this effect.Every time we inhale polluted air, smoke tobacco or consume contaminated drinking water, food or taking medicines, the cells get damaged and SOD levels get reduced.Without this vital antioxidant enzyme, the body quickly surrenders itself into aging and illnesses.For nearly 50 years researchers have been struggling to find a way to get more SOD in the body, but they have not found a solution until now.



We can say that currently LuxVentrix® is the most expensive product on the market, compared to other similar dietary supplements.

- Its production is based on several years of scientific research

- It is made of the highest quality raw materials

- Clinically tested product therefore it is 100% safe

- And last but not least: it is effective!


If you have any questions, feel free to ask using the following message interface.


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